Physics Lab
We have two Physics labs, one for Juniors (VI to X std ) and the other for Seniors (XI and XII std)
In Junior Lab 20 students can do the practical given in the syllabus at a time.
In Senior lab 30 students can do the practical at a time. The labs create an opportunity for the students to understand the fundamental concepts of optics, mechanics, fluids, wave motion, magnetism etc.
In brief it lays a foundation for students to excel in their own field of interest.
No. of Students
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: Karumathampatti ( Post )
Karumathampatti, COIMBATORE Dt. - 641 659
Telephone: +91-8903433103
Email: sskm.kongumhss@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 8 a.m - 5 p.m